Currently Playing (single player): Fallout 3 Current Undertaking: Papervision3D using AS3
My name is Jay Domagala and I'm a trained programmer and untrained artist. I attended Full Sail University's Video Game Design and Development Bachelor's degree program and graduated June 6, 2008. While my grades were on the upper end of average, my global professionalism score was 110/100 upon graduation, the best in the class. My artistry is all self-taught and constantly evolving. My preferred media are pen and ink, alcohol markers and coloured pencils, though I am more than capable of using digital medium as well. I was born and raised in Maryland, spending half of my time in Ferndale, minutes from BWI airport, and the other on Kent Island in the heart of the Chesapeake Bay. I attended and graduated Kent Island High School June 2006 and within a month moved to sunny Winter Park, Florida to pursue my degree. I would stay in the Orlando area through the duration of my schooling and afterward for nearly a year before moving back to Maryland to help my family emotionally and financially after the death of my grandfather. Now that things are back on track, I am actively working toward my career goals and honing my skills. Yo puedo hablar Español un pocito. Estudié por cuatro años en la escuela secundaria y puedo leer y escribir bien. Puedo hablar támbien, pero no tan confiado. He estado hablando por trabajo pero no recuerdo mucho. Estoy practicando y creo que ser fluido en el futuro. In my free time, I enjoy playing video games, working on solo projects, authoring and illustrating comic books and learning what I can about everything I can. I dislike stagnation and push forward toward my goals regardless of obstacles. I am also a phasmid hobbyist and spend time caring for a small collection of praying mantises. Presently, I'm trying to catch up on my web design skills, learning and experimenting with CSS, as anyone visiting the site probably guessed. If there are any major issues or oversights, feel free to contact me with some helpful pointers.